
Sunday, July 1, 2012

8 months


On Friday you turned 8 months! It will be your first birthday before we know it. I can't believe it, so I'm trying not to think how fast you are growing up.

Since you've turned 6 months we've seen so many changes in you. You can now roll over, sit up from laying down and even stand up from sitting (evidence I found last week).

When I discovered you standing in your crib, I got to lowering it ASAP. You are also soooo close to crawling. Your dad and I have bets on when it will happen, but right now you are content just rocking back and forth on your knees. You've figured out how your arms can move forward, but you are still trying to figure out how those legs of yours work with this crawling thing. You'll figure it out soon!

You are still a great eater, but we've concluded you take after your father in your hatred of green veggies. But you do like broccoli which I think is because I ate it so much while I was pregnant.

You still are toothless. I've begun to think you might be this way forever :).

You are still talking up a storm, using words that your dad and I have no idea what they are but you seem perfectly content chatting it up. You have been saying dada a lot, but we think it's just a sound you are making and you are not actually referring to your dad.

Your favorite activities are: playing on your blanket with your toys or love jumping in the jumper and yelling at the top of your lungs. You have also taken after me in that you love dancing! We have started having a couple dance parties in your room and can't wait until you  are walking and can really start cutting a rug.

You dad and I joke that the honeymoon stage is over with you because you've finally started letting us know when you are crabby and we've now experienced a couple meltdowns, but I'd say that for 90 percent of the time you are our happy smiling baby!

Watching you grow and change before our eyes has been so much fun and your dad and I can't wait to see what the next month brings!



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