
Friday, June 1, 2012

7 months!

So I think this is a clear example of how my blogging has been lacking. We are already to Crosby's 7 month post, one week after his 6 month post. Mama needs to step it up!


My little man! Here we are at 7 months and what an adventure it's been!

You seem to be getting so big, but compared to other babies we know, you are a little nugget. You are in the 20th percentile for height and weight but in 95th for head. No wonder you seem so big, that head is getting in the way. You are our little bobble head!

You are becoming more inquisitive by the day and always seem very interested in what others around you are doing.You love watching mama fold laundry, dad shave, or grandma help make you a bottle!

You still don't have any teeth yet which is fine with me. I love your gummy smile, but we are keeping our eyes out for one to poke through.

You have become a bigger fan of the bath (we didn't know that was possible) and you get a little fussy when it's time to get out! You love splashing around and playing with your toys. We signed up for swimming lessons and we are excited to start next week.

Your girlfriend, Sophie has been feeling a little neglected these days because you've discovered a new toy which I don't know if I'm that thrilled about- my iPhone! I'm hoping it is just the lights and colors that have peaked your interest and that you aren't going to be wanting a phone at age 2! We shall see!

I've started making you foods in the baby food maker and I'm pleased to say you've eaten everything we've made so far. This week I'm going to make you avocados and asparagus. It's exciting to see you liking these new foods.

You've also developed new nicknames this month. I call you little nugget or nugget and your auntie Kelly now calls you Crosi-moto. I wonder how many you'll have by your first birthday....10, 15 maybe?

As your parents, our opinions are pretty bias, but we are amazed at how strong your legs are! You love standing and have even taken a few steps, but with holding someone's hands of course! Here is a video of you attempting to walk. (That's crazy Auntie Kelly's voice cheering you on!) We have a feeling once you start moving, you aren't going to stop.

You definitely keep us on our toes and we are loving every minute of it!



1 comment:

Michelle and Josh said...

Love that gummy smile and those blue eyes!